Download Echelon USB Devices Driver

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OpenLDV™ Network Driver ReadMe
Release 4.0, August 2011

Copyright © 2003 – 2011 Echelon Corporation
All Rights Reserved

The OpenLDV NetworkDriver provides LONWORKS® tools and applications with anopen and unified Windows® software interface for sending andreceiving messages through LONWORKS network interfaces. The OpenLDV driversupports network interfaces from Echelon, and also supports compatible networkinterfaces available from other manufacturers. Echelon's family of networkinterfaces includes the following:

·SmartServer Energy Manager

·U10 and U20 USB Network Interfaces

·i.LON 600 IP-852 Router

·PCC-10 PC Card Network Interface

·PCLTA-20 and PCLTA-21 PCI Network Interfaces

When used inconjunction with the SmartServer and i.LON products, the OpenLDV driverprovides outstanding security including RC4 encryption, MD5 authentication, andprotection from replay attacks, as well as transparent, fault-tolerant sessionrecovery when the IP connection or power to the SmartServer or i.LON networkinterface is interrupted. Support is provided for uplink connections, whereina remote network initiates a call, either dial-up or broadband, into a servicecenter. Uplink connections are commonly used in large remote access systems inwhich hundreds or thousands of sites report back to a single service center.

The OpenLDV installerinstalls all required drivers needed to access the i.LON 10, i.LON 100, i.LON 600,PCC-10, PCLTA-20, PCLTA-21, SmartServer, U10, and U20 network interfaces. TheOpenLDV driver is compatible with the Echelon SLTA-10 Serial LonTalk Adapter,but requires separate installation of an SLTA driver.

For Windowsdevelopers, the development of network tools and applications for Windows willbe simpler and less time-consuming using Echelon's LNS® Network OperatingSystem. In addition, network tools and applications that use LNSwill have higher performance levels than those that use OpenLDV directly. ContactEchelon Sales at you would like assistance in determining whether you should develop yournetwork tools with LNS plus the OpenLDV driver or just with the OpenLDV driver.

Network tool installer programs normally incorporate theOpenLDV installer; however, if the network tool does not include the OpenLDV installer,the end-user can download and install the OpenLDV driver separately.

If you are developing an application that requires OpenLDV, youcan use the OpenLDV SDK to build support for the OpenLDV driver into your application. You can download the OpenLDV SDK from

This document contains important information about theOpenLDV driver. See the OpenLDV SDK ReadMe document for additional informationon the OpenLDV SDK. Additional information and updates, including criticalupdates, may be available at



3System Requirements3


5Repairing OpenLDV Installations. 4

6Changes in OpenLDV 4.0. 5

6.1Control Panel Changes. 5

6.2Driver Certification. 5

6.3Problems Fixed5

7Changes in OpenLDV 3.4. 6

8Changes in OpenLDV 3.3C.. 6

9Changes in OpenLDV 3.3B.. 6

10Changes in OpenLDV 3.3A.. 6

11Changes in OpenLDV 3.37

11.1Certified PCLTA-20, PCLTA-21, and PCC-10Drivers7

11.2Problems Fixed7

12Known Problems and Workarounds. 7

12.1Interaction with LNS 3, Service Pack 8,Update 17

12.2Interaction with LNS 3.08. 8

12.3Some Windows 2000 Installations RequireReboot8

12.4LonWorks Interfaces Missing from ControlPanel8

12.5Call to ldv_open() Sometimes Fails. 9

12.6Long RNI Names9

12.7.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Requirement9

12.8.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server2008 R29

12.9Unknown Publisher Warning. 10

12.10Authentication Bit10

12.1132-bit Title on 64-bit Windows. 10

12.12OpenLDV 3.4 Example Failure. 10

12.13Missing U10/U20 Network Interface. 10

12.14PCC/PCLTA Image Not Reported Correctly byTest11

12.15PCC-10 and PCLTA Interface Name Limit11

12.16Confusing Error Message. 11

12.17RNI Re-connect Problem with RestrictiveFirewall Settings11



15Technical Support12

  • Pentium® III, 366MHz equivalent processor or higher
  • Microsoft® Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows XP (32-bit), or Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)†

·Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

  • 128MB RAM or more as required by Windows
  • 20MB of available hard-disk space
  • Available USB 1.1 or 2.0 port (if you are using a U10 or U20 USB Network Interface)

Note: OpenLDV4.0 runs as a 32-bit application on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions ofWindows. It cannot be called from a 64-bit client application. In order touse OpenLDV on 64-bit Windows, the OpenLDV client application must be compiledas a 32-bit application. For unmanaged C++ applications built using Windowscompilers, this means that the application must be build for the “Win32”platform, not the “x64” platform. For managed .NET applications (such as C#),this means that the application must be built for the “x86” platform, not the“x64” or “Any CPU” platforms.

You must have Administrative Privileges in order to installthe OpenLDV driver.

If you are using the U10 or U20 USB Network Interface,install the OpenLDV driver before plugging the network interface into aUSB port.

OpenLDV400.exe is available from Download the file and then double-click the OpenLDV installer (OpenLDV400.exe)to begin the OpenLDV installation. The Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard forEchelon OpenLDV 4.0 window appears. Click Next to continue. This opensthe License Agreement window.

Read the terms of the license agreement and, if you agree tothe terms, click I Accept to continue. This opens the InstallingEchelon OpenLDV 4.0 window. The installer completes the OpenLDV driverinstallation.

Normally, you are not required to reboot your computer afterinstalling the OpenLDV driver and no completion dialog appears when theinstallation completes successfully. If the OpenLDV driver is not installedsuccessfully, a dialog appears to notify you of the problem.

If you are using an i.LON or SmartServer interface, you mayneed to modify the configuration (such as the IP address) for those devices by openingLonWorks Interfaces in the Windows Control Panel. Consult the LonWorks Interfacesonline help for more information. Advanced users managing a large number ofremote network interfaces from a single computer running OpenLDV may wish tocreate specialized connection profiles using the xDriver Profile Editor. Formore information on the xDriver Profile Editor, see the OpenLDV Programmer’sGuide.

To develop OpenLDV applications or to create specializedconnection profiles, install the OpenLDV SDK, available from

The OpenLDV driver is installed using Microsoft WindowsInstaller technology. Some components of this product were also present inearlier installations of Echelon products that did not follow the WindowsInstaller installation rules. As a result, installing some older Echelonproducts after installing the OpenLDV driver may revert some files to obsoleteversions. Workaround: If you experience software behavior changes as aresult of another software installation, you can repair this productinstallation through the following procedure:

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Click Echelon OpenLDV 4.0 in the program list.
  4. Click Click Here for Support Information.
  5. Click the Repair button.

This section lists the changes included in OpenLDV 4.0. Numbersin parentheses at the end of the fix descriptions are Echelon's internalproblem tracking IDs.

6.1Control Panel Changes

The LonWorks®Plug n’ Playcontrol panel applicationhas been eliminated. All Echelon OpenLDV drivers are now managed through theupdated LonWorks Interfaces control panel application. See the LonWorksInterfaces online help for details of the available configuration options.

6.2Driver Certification

The network interface device drivers have been recertifiedfor the supported versions of Windows. These include:

  • PCC-10, PCLTA Driver – Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows Server 2003 (32-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), and Windows XP (32-bit)
  • U10, U20 Driver – Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows XP (32-bit), and Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)

6.3Problems Fixed

The following problems have been fixed in OpenLDV 4.0:

  • Help files used a format that was not compatible with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. (45779, 45800)
  • The digital signature expired. (53398)
  • Removal of LonWorksbin from the system path on uninstall of OpenLDV could cause problems with other Echelon software. (54397)

The following problems have been fixed in OpenLDV 3.4:

  • RNI uplink calls fail in some PC configurations. (43272, 43757)
  • Windows Vista problems:
    • Launching the OpenLDV installation displays a message stating that “an unidentified program wants access to your computer” and warns of an “Unknown Publisher”. (43753)
    • Launching the LonWorks Plug n’ Play control panel application displays a warning message asking your permission to run a legacy control panel. (43755)
    • In the LonWorks Plug n’ Play control panel window, changing the NI Application from PCL10VNI to NSIPCLTA would result in a “access is denied” message. (43754)
    • The Windows Compatibility Wizard appears after running the LonWorks Interfaces control panel asking whether the “unknown program” ran successfully. (43772)
    • PCC-10 card hardware interrupts consume 98% CPU time after resuming from Sleep/Hibernate mode. (46103)

The PCC10L7 image has been added back to theavailable images for the PCC and PCLTA cards. This image is not used by LNSapplications, but some legacy applications require it. (42584)

In some cases, OpenLDV 3.3 installation can cause PCLTA-10,PCLTA-20 and PCC-10 card device driver entries to disappear after reboot. (42583)

The PCLTA-20 driver does not recognize the newRoHS-compliant PCLTA-20/SMX network interface card. (42396)

This section lists the changes included in OpenLDV 3.3.

11.1Certified PCLTA-20, PCLTA-21, and PCC-10 Drivers

The Echelon network interface cards formerly supported by a separate driver installation have been incorporated into the OpenLDVinstallation. The driver for these cards has been certified by Microsoft forcompatibility with the Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 operatingsystems. The driver has not been certified for compatibility with WindowsVista. These interfaces are still defined and managed through the LonWorks®Plug n’ Play item in the Windows Control Panel.

11.2Problems Fixed

The following problems have been fixed in OpenLDV 3.3:

  • LonScanner packet timestamp can drift significantly. (40860)
  • Windows handle leak when repeatedly opening and closing driver sessions. (39204)

The following are known OpenLDV problems and theirworkarounds. The numbers in parentheses at the end of the problem descriptionsare Echelon's internal problem tracking IDs.

12.1Interaction with LNS 3, Service Pack 8, Update1

Echelon released a patch update to the LNS product in March2003 named “LNS 3, Service Pack 8, Update 1” (LNS3SP8U1) that is not forwardcompatible with OpenLDV 3.3 and later releases.

This patch will cause problems for any computer with OpenLDV4.0 installed, if it is installed after OpenLDV 4.0. It will overwrite thenewer OpenLDV components, causing them to revert back to older versions. Thiswill cause all functionality added in OpenLDV 3.3 through 4.0—such as USB networkinterface support—to be lost, and may cause programs that use new OpenLDV APIcalls (see ldv32.h in the OpenLDV 4.0 SDK) to completely fail to run.

The LNS3SP8U1 patch is included in some versions of theEchelon i.LON 10, i.LON 100 v1.1, and LonMaker® 3.13 product installations, andmay also be embedded in installations from other companies that license andredistribute the LNS runtime. Although it is being phased out of productsoftware, it may be encountered for some time to come. The OpenLDV 4.0installation can be used as a replacement for LNS3SP8U1, as it corrects all ofthe problems corrected by that update, plus provides new USB functionality andbug fixes.

This problem will only manifest itself if LNS 3 is installedon the computer. If LNS Turbo or a later version is installed, this problemwill not occur. (36682)

Workaround: If you suspect that you have encounteredthis problem, go through the procedure described in Repairing OpenLDVInstallations. The OpenLDV 4.0 installation will then repair itself andfunction correctly. If this is not the problem, there is no harm in runningthe repair operation.

12.2Interaction with LNS 3.08

After installing OpenLDV 4.0 over LNS 3.08, uninstallingOpenLDV 4.0 will cause LNS 3.08 to become inoperable. OpenLDV 4.0 provides apartial upgrade to LNS 3.08 that may not be completely reversed byuninstalling. If your product installation embeds the OpenLDV 4.0installation, do not attempt to uninstall it as part of your uninstallationprocess. Workaround: If LNS 3.08 has been inadvertently broken byuninstalling OpenLDV 4.0, reinstall OpenLDV 4.0. (36258)

12.3Some Windows 2000 Installations Require Reboot

On Windows 2000, the OpenLDV installation will require areboot before LonWorks Interfaces appears in the Windows Control Panelor before the OpenLDV driver is accessible to all users.

On all Windows versions later than Windows 2000, if the OpenLDVdriver is installed by one user, a reboot is necessary before logging ontoanother user and using OpenLDV. Logging off one user and onto another is notsufficient.

The installation does not always inform the user when areboot is required. (32177, 32724)

Workaround: If some OpenLDV functionality is notworking after installation, but before reboot, try again after rebooting yourcomputer.

12.4LonWorks Interfaces Missing from Control Panel

On a small number of Windows 2000 installations, LonWorksInterfaces may not appear in the Windows Control Panel, even after areboot. This has been seen on a small number of computers that have beenupgraded from earlier versions of Windows to Windows 2000. (41439)

Workaround: On Windows 2000, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click My Computer on your desktop or Start menu and select Properties.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Environment Variables button.
  4. Select the Path variable on the System Variables list.
  5. Edit the Path variable to place the OpenLDV installation directory earlier in the list of directories, but be sure to place it after the standard Windows root and System32 directories.
  6. Reboot and look for LonWorks Interfaces in the Windows Control Panel.

12.5Call to ldv_open() Sometimes Fails

When using the OpenLDV API, a call to ldv_open()immediately after a call to ldv_close() on the same network interfacesometimes fails. Workaround: Insert a one-second delay between the ldv_close()call and the next call to ldv_open(). (37296)

12.6Long RNI Names

The LNS DDE Server 2.11 software cannot handle RNI nameslonger than 22 characters, resulting in indeterminate behavior. RNI names, inthe format x.Default.[User Defined Name], will extend beyond this limitif the user-defined portion of the name is over 12 characters long. Workaround: Limit user-defined names to 12 characters or less. (45752)

12.7.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Requirement

The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 required by OpenLDV 4.0 is not asubset of the .NET Framework 4. From .NET 2 through .NET 3.5 SP1, all of theframework versions installed .NET 2 through the current version. The .NET Framework4 does NOT do this. The fact that you have .NET 4 installed does not imply thatyou also have Framework 3.5 SP1 installed. The .NET 3.5 SP1 Frameworkinstallation had become huge (>200MB), and Microsoft apparently abandonedthat scheme. (58841)

12.8.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2

If you try to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on a cleanWindows Server 2008 R2 machine, the SP1 setup will halt with the message'You must use the Role Management Tool to install or configure Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1.' That is kind of misleading, because when youfind the Role Manager within the Server Manager tool, it does not say anythingabout .NET. (58841)

To install the .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework on Windows Server 2008R2:

  1. Select Server Manager within the Server Manager tool selection tree.
  2. Scroll down to Features Summary and open the list of Features.
  3. Opening the list of features will allow .NET 3.5.1 to be selected and installed. This installation also automatically turns on some one of the Server roles (web server).

12.9Unknown Publisher Warning

The OpenLDV 4.0 installation program is digitally signed toverify that it is software from Echelon Corporation. However, if you uninstallthis program from the Add/Remove Programs on Windows Vista, it will display aUAC warning that the installation has an unknown publisher. This is a knownWindows Vista problem, caused by Vista compression of the cached installationprogram used in the uninstall process – see details. (59049)

12.10Authentication Bit

Local network management commands directed at networkinterfaces will sometimes have the authentication bit set by the controllingsoftware. In the responses to local request-response network managementcommands, the authentication bit is ignored. Various network interfaces eithercopy the original value of the bit in the response, or always reset it, but nosignificance should be attached to this. (45296)

12.1132-bit Title on 64-bit Windows

On 64-bit versions of Windows, the title of the LonWorksInterfaces applet in the Windows Control Panel is shown as LonWorksInterfaces (32-bit). Workaround: This is normal and the control panelapplication will function normally in this environment. The name indicatesthat OpenLDV and its control panel application are 32-bit components, which runin 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows. (59601)

12.12OpenLDV 3.4 Example Failure

After installing the OpenLDV 4.0 runtime, the OpenLDV 3.4example may fail with the “This application has failed to start becauseMFC71.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem”error. This occurs because the OpenLDV 4.0 runtime update caused OpenLDV 3.4and its components to be removed from the system. If no other application onthe PC has installed the MFC71.dll component, it will no longer be present. Workaround: Install the OpenLDV 4.0 SDK to get updated examples that work with OpenLDV4.0. (58688)

12.13Missing U10/U20 Network Interface

If an Echelon U10 or U20 USB device is plugged in before theOpenLDV 4.0 software is installed on a computer, the driver installation couldpartially fail in a way that makes the device invisible to the LonWorksInterfaces control panel applet. Workaround: Unplug the U10/U20 USBdevice. Uninstall the OpenLDV 4.0 runtime. Go to the Windows Device Managerand remove the USB device there. Re-install the OpenLDV 4.0 runtime. Plug theUSB device back in. (59851)

12.14PCC/PCLTA Image Not Reported Correctly by Test

When changing a PCC-10 or PCLTA’s “NI Application” image,the updated driver information is not shown on a subsequent Test command. Updated driver information will not be shown until the Test command is run twotimes or more. Workaround: Run the Test command again if the driverinformation seems out of date. (62182)

12.15PCC-10 and PCLTA Interface Name Limit

PCC-10 and PCLTA devices may only use device names in therange LON1 through LON9. If the “Starting Interface Name” for these types ofdevices is set to LON9, the system may only support one device of this type. Workaround:Set the Starting Interface Name to LON1 to support 9 LON interface devices. (62136)

12.16Confusing Error Message

When adding RNI and LonScanner interfaces, some invalidhostnames may be accepted, but later cause the “A non-recoverable erroroccurred during a database lookup” error message. Workaround: Enter avalid IP address or hostname in this field. (61672)

12.17RNI Re-connect Problem with Restrictive Firewall Settings

If the IP connection is disrupted between a computer runningOpenLDV and an RNI and the OpenLDV computer is behind a firewall that onlypermits outbound connections based on the source-side port number, thereconnection may fail. Most firewalls are not this restrictive and willnormally be configured to permit outbound connections based only on thetarget-side port number, allowing the source-side port number to be any value. Workaround: To communicate with RNI network interfaces in this scenario,modify the xDriver Profile on the client computer to specify a non-zero “TCPLocal Port” on the “Downlink Sessions” tab.

With this configuration, if a session is closed or fails, itis not possible to re-connect to the same RNI for four minutes (until theconnection leaves the TIME_WAIT state).Workaround: Either ensure that you won’t need to reconnect to the same RNI within fourminutes; or create multiple xDriver Profiles (and duplicate RNI entries), eachusing a different permitted Local Port, and cycle among the profiles whenconnecting to the same RNI. (26579)

Since the OpenLDV driver is designed to be incorporated intothird-party software products, the documentation required to use the OpenLDV driveris included with the third-party software product that includes the OpenLDV driver.

If you need to create Windows applications using the OpenLDVdriver, download the OpenLDV SDK available from

The license that governs the use of the OpenLDV driver isavailable from the LonWorks OpenLDV directory in license_OpenLDV.htm.

The company that writes an application that uses the OpenLDVdriver is required to provide technical support for their product. Fortechnical support purely in relation to the OpenLDV driver apart from use ofthe OpenLDV driver by a client application, contact Echelon Support asdescribed at

The terms of the software license agreement included with any software you download will control your use of the software.



Do not use or load this software and any associated materials (collectively,

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