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Email Security with Cisco IronPort thoroughly illuminates the security and performance challenges associated with today’s messaging environments and shows you how to systematically anticipate and respond to them using Cisco’s IronPort Email Security Appliance (ESA). Going far beyond any IronPort user guide, leading Cisco expert Chris Porter shows you how to use IronPort to construct a robust, secure, high-performance email architecture that can resist future attacks.

192.168.0.Y is the Cisco ironport and 192.168.0.X is a another server where the Ironport is supposed to send copies (set via a Incoming Content Filter) but doesn't respond to ping so this might be the cause. I've disabled that copy policy but I guess I'll need 3 days to see if it that was the cause. If you update your account with your WebEx/Spark email address, you can link your accounts in the future (which enables you to access secure Cisco, WebEx, and Spark resources using your WebEx/Spark login).

Email Security with Cisco IronPortpresents specific, proven architecture recommendations for deploying IronPort ESAs in diverse environments to optimize reliability and automatically handle failure. The author offers specific recipes for solving a wide range of messaging security problems, and he demonstrates how to use both basic and advanced features-–including several hidden and undocumented commands.


The author addresses issues ranging from directory integration to performance monitoring and optimization, and he offers powerful insights into often-ignored email security issues, such as preventing “bounce blowback.” Throughout, he illustrates his solutions with detailed examples demonstrating how to control ESA configuration through each available interface.


Chris Porter,Technical Solutions Architect at Cisco, focuses on the technical aspects of Cisco IronPort customer engagements. He has more than 12 years of experience in applications, computing, and security in finance, government, Fortune® 1000, entertainment, and higher education markets.

·Understand how the Cisco IronPort ESA addresses the key challenges of email security

·Select the best network deployment model for your environment, and walk through successful installation and configuration

·Configure and optimize Cisco IronPort ESA’s powerful security, message, and content filtering


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·Understand the email pipeline so you can take full advantage of it–and troubleshoot problems if they occur

·Efficiently control Cisco IronPort ESA through its Web User Interface (WUI) and command-line interface (CLI)

·Implement reporting, monitoring, logging, and file management

·Integrate Cisco IronPort ESA and your mail policies with LDAP directories such as Microsoft Active Directory

·Automate and simplify email security administration

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·Deploy multiple Cisco IronPort ESAs and advanced network configurations

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·Prepare for emerging shifts in enterprise email usage and new security challenges

This security book is part of the Cisco Press® Networking Technology Series. Security titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals secure critical data and resources, prevent and mitigate network attacks, and build end-to-end self-defending networks.

I am using a MacBook Pro Retina Mid 2012 2.6 GHz i7. Running Yosemite 10.10.3

I have been spending some time at my partners house and whenever I am there with my MacBook Pro massive downloads are happening.

I have rang apple and they can't tell me what is wrong. I have found tonight that 8GBs have downloaded and that I nave not done any updates or downloaded any big files besides some add ons to ESO.

I have an data download upload monitor which says there is always a download happening. It seems to max out the amount that can be downloaded with this ADSL 2+ connection.

I have used activity monitor like apple suggested to see what the process is that is doing this. I have noticed a process called nurlsessiond always running and using a lot of data. If I go to the disk tab on activity monitor the only thing that seems to be writing data to the disk is cloudd process.

I have formatted my computer once already and it wasn't doing it for a while but the next time I went to my partners it started the downloads again.

I have tried signing out of iCloud and deleted all the iCloud data off my MBP and it is still downloading. I have closed all apps that could be downloading an it is still happening.

I have at time to time installed third party apps on my MBP, mainly steam games and the odd app that you can't get on the App Store like Skype and such.

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I feel like some bitcoin mining thing is going on, or a trojan or malware. I haven't installed any bitcoin mining apps. But I just can't think what would be downloading so much data.

I did have AVG pick up a trojan a couple of weeks ago in an email, but that email was never opened and just deleted. Apple claims Macs don't get viruses but this is just not the case.

I also don't sync any devices with this computer as it is my spare. The downloads are also happening at home.

Has anyone had similar problems?

Does anyone know what this is?

Is there a way to format the SDD and reinstall Yosemite to make sure that no data carries over to the next installation? (I had noticed with the fresh installation that I didn't need to pair my logitech mouse that it was still paired)

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please help...